
As this male Double-Banded Sandgrouse looked up at me, it felt like it was trying on some hypnosis trick. It’s eyes circles, it feathers circles and its body circular.
Sitting watching this pair I could but help thinking about how their monogamous family relationship was like, doing everything together, wherever they were in the National Park.
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If there one bird that looked like an eggshell, this would be it. The Female Double-Banded Sandgrouse. Mating for life, her and her spouse look for small seeds throughout the day, often with some family in tow, and at night, they head to the water. Always by each others side.
But this is one bird to show off the seasons best dress I think. Perfectly camouflaged against the rough terrain and almost invisible in the long grass.
Thanks you for supporting the National Parks Guy, and allowing me to share the beauty of the wildlife I experience with you.

I think this is the ultimate caress. One Hammerkop affectionately caring for a his partner. How amazingly expressive and wonderful to see.
The Hammerkop is normally found near water, fishing, but this fine morning a gentle wake up and a cuddle were called for.
Thanks so much for looking as supporting the National Parks Guy, as I travel to bring our wild precious spaces to our rushed and busy lives.

The Yellow Billed Hornbill is a Medium sized bird, often seen near roads and water courses. It feeds on seeds and small insects and spiders.
Revered by some tribes to be a Sacred Being it is here on the Road to Nowhere.
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This Goshawk has really turned out for the party. Lovely orange stockings and matching mask!
The Dark Chanting Goshawk as the name suggests makes a few sounds, mainly around breeding time.
Thanks for having a look at another print from the National Parks Guy. Your support is greatly appreciated as I visit National Parks around the world to bring the wild places to your walls.